It’s a balancing act
Becoming a mom has shifted my priorities, and now more than ever, I feel compelled to lean in. There is beauty, wisdom and strength in motherhood, as well as self-doubt, missteps and fails. For the hustling, bustling, hard-working mamas who balance it all and make the world go round – WE GOT THIS.
Recent contemplations
The power of setting boundaries
Boundaries exist in all aspects of our lives. Setting clear, healthy boundaries with caregivers fosters harmony and mutual respect. And promotes emotional well-being for you and your children. So what can go wrong?
Why I started a podcast
When deciding whether or not I should take on something big or life changing, I rely on this guiding principle: if something presents itself to me three times, then I need to give it attention, whatever that entails.
This is how I concluded I should start a podcast.
Finding my voice
Speaking up and sharing my thoughts and beliefs has been a challenge as I entered adulthood. But now, in this tumultuous environment full of hate and lacking understanding, it’s become even harder. It seems the tongue was fast and loose as a child, no cares in the world. How do I get back to that youthful bliss and stand up for what is right?
Will I ever sleep again?
Being a full-time working mother of two has its challenges. I am currently in the thick of it and having trouble seeing the forrest for the trees. Will there ever be a time when sleep deprivation isn’t the norm?