07. Feminism and raising children to 

value equality, equity, and choices

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In this episode I’m thrilled to be joined by Dr. Katie Kicinski-Burkhardt, a health educator and researcher, Certified Health Education Specialist, and Master of Public Health.

We got to talk about one of my favorite topics: feminism. Together we addressed common misconceptions about feminism, and discussed the importance of instilling feminist values in our children - boys and girls alike. 

Drawing on her expertise in health education, Dr. Kicinski-Burkhardt spoke about the significance of personalized health care, particularly in reproductive health. She offered valuable insight into the disconnect between women’s health experiences with contraceptives, and what they actually have access to, prefer, and use.

We also explored the role media has in shaping our little humans, and practical tips for fostering equality and inclusivity at home. Dr. Kicinski-Burkhardt also shared a heartwarming story about her Nana, whom we can all learn a thing or two from! 

Dr. Katie Kicinski-Burkhardt, PhD, MPH, CHES® is a health education professional with over 14 years of experience managing public health programs and health engagement initiatives focused on health equity and customer experience. She has also worked as an adjunct professor for two local universities in Buffalo, NY for the past eight years where she teaches courses on women’s health, sexual health, and gender studies. 

In this episode, we cover: 

  • What feminism means and dispel common misconceptions. 

  • The influence government and media have on our personal lives, and what it could mean for future generations. 

  • What it means to have choiceless choices (my new favorite phrase). 

  • The importance of a person-centric approach in health care, especially when it comes to women’s health. 

  • Practical tips for teaching values of equality, empathy, and inclusivity to our children - starting at home with intention and self-awareness.

Resources & Links:

  • Dr. Kicinski-Burkhardt referenced this book when speaking about women’s health, and government and media influence on public opinion. How All Politics Become Reproductive Politics: From Welfare Reform to Foreclosure to Trump, by Laura Briggs 

  • For my fellow research lovers, here is a detailed list of some of the feminist movements, achievements, and other moments in our country's history where women's rights have been impacted. 

  • The Seneca Falls Convention (1848) - The first women's rights convention in the U.S., held in Seneca Falls, New York.
    Impact: Marked the beginning of the organized women's rights movement in the U.S. The Declaration of Sentiments, which outlined grievances and demands for women's rights, was signed at this convention.

  • The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) - Granted American women the right to vote.
    Impact: A major victory for the women's suffrage movement, it significantly increased women's participation in the political process.

  • The Equal Pay Act (1963) - Prohibits wage discrimination based on sex.
    Impact: Aimed at closing the gender pay gap, it was one of the first federal laws to address gender-based economic inequality.

  • Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972) - Prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 
    Impact: Led to greater gender equality in education, particularly in sports, by ensuring women and girls have equal access to educational opportunities.

  • Roe v. Wade (1973) - A landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
    Impact: Empowered women by giving them control over their reproductive rights, though it remains a contentious issue.

  • The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (1993) - Provides eligible employees with unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons.
    Impact: Helps both men and women balance work and family responsibilities, promoting a more equitable division of caregiving roles.

  • The Violence Against Women Act (1994) - Provides federal resources to help prevent and respond to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
    Impact: Strengthened legal protections for women and increased support services for victims of gender-based violence.

  • The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) - Restores the protection against pay discrimination by resetting the 180-day statute of limitations with each discriminatory paycheck.
    Impact: Makes it easier for employees to challenge unequal pay practices and seek redress.

  • The Me Too Movement (2017) - A social movement against sexual harassment and assault, gaining widespread attention through social media.
    Impact: Brought global awareness to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, leading to significant cultural and policy changes in workplaces and beyond.

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Welcome to Momming as a Millennial, the podcast where we dive into the challenges and triumphs of being a millennial mom in today’s dynamic world. Join your host, Christine Giarrizzo, on this candid journey as we navigate the complexities of motherhood, from tackling outdated stereotypes, to embracing our individual parenting styles.

In each episode, we explore the intersection of tradition and modern parenting. We’ll look at unsolicited advice and internet noise, as well as gender roles and expectations handed down by our parents and grandparents, in order to find what resonates with our true, authentic selves.

Tune in for honest conversations, genuine stories, expert insights, and a supportive community that understands the unique circumstance of navigating parenthood as a millennial. Together we’ll rewrite the narrative, challenge societal norms, and celebrate the diverse voices that make up our generation.

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